Saturday, August 19, 2006

Value vs Vanity

Well it is done, the easily recognizable beautiful green fully loaded - Gas guzzling Chevy Silverado is gone. Traded to make way for the fuel pump friendly and more financially viable Saturn Vue, guess I can't have my bikes and the Silverado, so I had to choose, and to tell ya the truth I like the fact that I can drive from Bonaire to Macon and not burn $20 in gas so I am sure I will be able to adjust. Anyway I had another revelation last night as well it appears that the measurements were incorrect that I have been believing these past three years and I have been riding a 18" Frame,(those that know how short I am can attest to that being entirely to big of a frame for me) so that has shed some light on to why adding the extra 25mm of fork on to that has caused me some grief handling the bike thru the turns, at least that would seem to make sense to me in my limited knowledge of handling and suspension on forks and steering. So I am tossing around the idea of switching the 130mm over to the new 16.5" frame I bought and see if that maybe hits a happy medium with what I am used to riding and what I should be riding and have now, plus that would even out the front and rear to 5" of travel all the way around. Not sure how much difference it will make as there is only 1 degree if difference in the head angle of the two frames but I am leaning towards doing it anyway. Will probably owe Charles another 12 pack of Sweet Water or Sierra Nevada as he will have to change over the Hopes on the front fork for me well not to much new have to get a new bike rack for the Vue looking for a roof top rack, wife doesn't want me sticking a bike rack on the hatchback and I don't have a trailer hitch but for what they are asking for the Thule System I could probably buy the trailer hitch mount and get a rack for the same amount just wouldn't be used for anything but the bikes(The Vue has a four cylinder, power vs economy, guess who won). Anyway I will be out at the Pig tomorrow bright and early hope someone beats me out there don't feel like web catching on the first lap but may have to suck it up. So if your up and feeling motivated to ride I will See you on the Trail!

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