Saturday, October 27, 2007

Road Bikes and WBL Training Rides

Well it has been a whole week of nothing but the ab wheel twice a day no riding or running due to a encounter with a baby gate and my pinky toe. Hard to imagine that a little pinky toe could stop ya from doing so much but dang breaking that toe is painful! Anyway I will be hitting the road with the WBL Group tomorrrow on a Trek 2.1 road bike I am borrowing from Jesse(actually his Father) from TBS Macon. Took it out on a test ride around the neighborhood this evening after putting my Candy Pedals on it and those skinny little tires are pretty skitish - it oughta be interesting tomorrow so I am looking forward to it, at least I should be able to hang speed wise with the group so we shall see how it works out. Still planning on heading out to Dauset for the festival and not sure if it will be viable to go up to Razorback for the retirement weekend that is definitely a unfortunate situation to be losing that trail, it was a good trail. So that is about it for now not sure if I will be trail or road riding this week for the most part hopefully the toe heals up quickly I am getting fatter as the days go by I can feel it! So if it is on the road or on the trail I will see ya on the Bike!

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