Saturday, August 23, 2008

Riding and Raining

Well we got in a good ride this morning at the Pig managing to get out there before the rains kicked in. The trail was still fairly dry as it looked like it hadn't received much rain prior to last night. Charles and I were out there early and ran a lap with the lights - it is always good to use the lights whenever I can seeing as the combined cost of my two lights was $700. We ran a lap in reverse, then a second lap at a pretty good clip and then started a third but cut it short due to time constraints. Now I find it odd that right before I go out on another sabbatical from riding that this phrase that can be found on my December 07 post comes back to haunt me "Was a good ride overall and had a great time I felt a little bummed out though I was unable to hang with the guys when they kicked it up a notch on the trail, it wasn't as if they kicked it to race pace or anything I just couldn't hang with them once they got going." That was once again how I felt on the third lap thru the technical sections as Charles and Ethan left me in the throes of a tourettes fit that would have had a sailor blushing. While my training regiment has been less than stellar or regular I just cant believe I fell off as much as I have since the beginning of this season. So the plan is to get in some solid weight training over the next two months while still maintaining a strong cardio routine consisting of running and spin classes. The goal being to develope some sustainable muscle strength so it doesn't fall off as bad as I have currently and in the past. Now being 40yrs old I guess I also have to take that into consideration that 3 weeks off will have more of a impact on my conditioning than it used to in my younger days. Well I will be out of net for a couple fo months again but aparently I will have a less restricted access to the internet so if I can get to the net to post for all my avid readers I will anyway today was the last ride until I return so it will be spin cycles for the mean time until I return. So have fun out on the trail and I Will See You when I Return!

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