Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Flying and Riding

Well that is what I am going to be doing for the next several months. I will have the Vertex-70 with me this time so I can get some quality riding time in while I am gone. I have some driving goals to keep me focused while I am training, and recently added the 24hrs of Conyers to the list of events I am planning to do. I am trying to get one more ride in before my departure so I might be out at either Thomson or the Pig Trail so if you happen to be out there when I am I will See You on the Trail!

1 comment:

Dean said...

Could you let me know What Size jersey and Shorts you need? We are ordering the OMBA Club Kits and I know you said you wanted one. I will go ahead and order you a set and you can pay me later.

Dean Thornton