Monday, January 15, 2007

4hrs of Fun

Well it was a fun 4hrs at Thomson, just for the record I did 7 laps and had fun racing the other rider right at the end there it was a good ride before I have to go for a while. Between all the CGC jerseys and Bike Store bibs you would have thought we had organized a team just for the event. Charles and Noah blew my socks off right from the start but where gracious enough to take a long break so I could catch up and we rode the 6th lap together before I headed out for my 7th. They built in a nice little ramp to circumvent a good jump through some cool water to cool ya down during the lap which is what I went through every lap, it was warm to begin with so it actually felt good, Dans Bastard was enjoyable every lap as well. Anyway if I had a hardtail I might have been able to catch old boy at the end there but when he shifted it up at the end there and kicked it in even matching gear to gear I just couldn't catch in time with the FS. Well I will have some quality training time here over the next 4 months and will be doing some big gear riding and some interval training to increase my speed hopefully so I will be competative when I get back here. I am planning on riding Wenseday night and trying to get out to Dauset this weekend so if your out there either day I Will See You on the Trail!

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Great Job Honey!