Monday, June 29, 2009

Getting the family settled in

Well I have been up here in Michigan for 11 days now and almost have the family comfortably set in the house we are renting and getting the family pets readjusted. So far we have had to have the cleaners come back in, repairs done over most of the house, the AC inspected cause it sucks and the storage shed treated for termites! If it wasn't for the money the wife is going to be making while she is up here this would be a total nightmare for a relocation. I honestly almost feel bad because my living conditions in Korea might be better than what my family is in. On the other end Pams Pristine Cleaning has been a outstanding investment in getting the house ready to rent. The house itself looks as good as it did the day we moved in-definitely pride in their work and outstanding attention to detail! if your looking to get some cleaning done for any reason I would definitely recommend them they are well worth the price and they have a military discount!
Well in regards to riding the Lumberjack 100 became the Lumberjack 25 for me. I had to return to GA from MI to pick up the stuff we couldn't get in the car on the first trip so I returned from GA the day before the race and got in the house about 12 am that morning and then was up at 4am to drive a 1 1/2 hour to the race. That coupled with the fact that I had ridden twice since the 12hrs of Ft Yargo and took 3 weeks off during that time due to tendonitis I wasn't even close to prepared for any endurance event. Maybe I could have gotten away with that at 21yrs old but 41yrs old its a little harder to do. It was a shame to because this course was without a doubt the smoothest, fastest rolling course you could ask for - the trail was the closest thing to a paved trail in the woods you could get. This trail was the least technical trail I have ever ridden and had I been in shape would have had the fastest pace I could have averaged on trail race. As it was Chris Eatough was finishing up his second lap and starting his third about 10min after I finished my first lap which was about as close as I was to him for my race! Not sure if I will get the chance at another ride before I have to head out to Korea but am hoping for at least one more. Might be about this long before I get a chance to post again so to all my readers - Keep the rubber side down and keep pedalling!

1 comment:


i tried calling your phone the other day but it kept going to voice mail