Saturday, December 01, 2007

Pig Trail Riding and Planning for Training

Well it has been almost 4 months since I was out there but it was great being back out on the Pig Trail today. Was out there with Charles, Ethan, Gary, Chad, Jesse, Ryan and a couple of other riders who's names escape me at this time. Was a good ride overall and had a great time I felt a little bummed out though I was unable to hang with the guys when they kicked it up a notch on the trail, it wasn't as if they kicked it to race pace or anything I just couldn't hang with them once they got going. I have several excuses, ran 2 miles Thursday morning, rode 15miles same day at lunch, rode thompson last night, ect, ect, ect. However bottom line definitely seems to be I need some more leg strength when I hit the hills my leg muscles started to burn as soon as the elevation started going up. That not withstanding I did have a good time hitting the trail again, and look forward to getting out on the trails a few more times before my next work related trip.
Speaking of the next work related trip I should be able to get some outstanding training in if work doesn't interfere. I will have access to spin classes, ab classes, weight room 24/7 and of course a good 20 miles of road with some guaranteed wind resistance to make up for the lack of elevation changes. This means it is simply a matter of putting together a good 3 month training regiment and sticking to it as well as not overdoing it on the 24/7 buffet of a chow hall as well as all the available junk food. So my challenge is to develop a focused workout plan that accomplishes what I need to create more speed and hill strength using the resources I will have available to me. Not quite sure at this time what I will be able to compete in or if I will even be here for the entire season. As it stands right now that does not have a high possibility of being the case however, I should be able to compete in a couple of the GSC races and the 12hrs of Tsali and maybe one other endurance event. So I am hitting Charles up for a training program for the time frame so that I can get in shape along with my other goal of getting down to 140lbs for racing season, which is a 14lb loss from my current weight. For the time being though I am just enjoying the riding time and am going to stick with the trail since I am going to get plenty of road time coming up so thanks for reanding and if you happen to be out riding while I am I Will See You on the Trail!

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