Well its official, at least in Korea, 20yrs in the military, never thought I would see this day. 19yrs and 4 months ago I was telling people two more years and I am out and back to college! Well guess that wasn't the case, and I wouldn't change it for a thing, for the most part. Either way it has taught me much about myself and life that I don't think I would have ever learned elsewhere. I am proud to have served my country this long and am committed to rededicating myself to the goals and principles I discovered in the years after I first joined. Have no doubts about it I joined initially so that Uncle Sam would pay for my college, I stayed because of those who could go to college while I did my job. There is a honor and gratitude expressed or not that the American Service Members receive from those that know and recognize their sacrifice that makes it all worthwhile. I serve the government of the United States - for the benefit of my fellow comrades in arms and they are my primary concern. I have received many accolades for my accomplishments in the past the truth is those accomplishments are a reflection of who I serve with, for and those who work for me all in service of Freedom.
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