Gotta have the proof if your riding this far - 75.8 miles(Basically to Seoul and back)
This is the view of Korea when I am 30 miles from Home
Not exactly sure what this sign was warning was ahead but I sure never saw them!
This is waht the fields look like when they harvest the rice in the fall
Looking good and sporting The Bike Store Gear at 0700hrs!
Well it has been a while since I last posted, have been in a MTB race, Hiked some Korea Mountains and Been working 18hr days during the week on occasion. This weekend was kinda nice had a few days off and took it easy for the most part. Yesterday was a nice day to get out and ride so I headed up to Osan AFB, Songtan, Korea met up with Mark, a rider up there and hit the road for 25miles with him. Since I had ridden up there, a additional 13mile warm-up and then back I hit the 50 mile mark right at the intersection to head back to Humphreys. Well since I had little else to do yesterday I decided to go straight head out to Pyongteck Harbor and round my ride up to a even 75 miles. Was a nice easy base mileage ride and was actually a good way to clear my head and relax.
Anyway, next weekend we are looking at hitting a race down south it is a 100 mile MTB race so need to get the ETSX ready to go - some of the hills out here can be pretty steep as I have noted in previous post. Weather is starting to get winter like out here so working more on the strength training at the gym and pulling out the Real Axiom trainer so I can keep up the riding. Looking forward to the fact that I will be back home in about 3 weeks for leave and spending the month of December back home with the family. Well that is about it for now I have some pics to post and as always - Keep riding and Keep the Rubber Side Down!
dood, dat aint rice, they're marshmellows.
yep and in the middle of the night they have huge bonfires and toast em!
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