Well I have been able to keep a good training regiment going for the past week or so, just trying to keep my weight going in the right direction as well which seems to be the difficult part. I have managed to get in at least one workout a day with several days being a two-a-day workouts with a recovery day thrown in for good measure. Thursday night-Friday morning was a good high intensity day or 16 hours, I started Thursday night with a high intensity 45min climbing regiment on the Real Axiom Trainer, followed that with a 35min high intensity StairMaster session the next morning and then at lunch time hit a spin class for a good 45min high intensity work out. Took the following 42hrs off and then hit the road with Charles and Chad Sunday morning for a 36 mile road ride where Charles got my hear rate elevated with a few interval areas during the ride. It was a good ride and was early enough that the forecasted winds were not a factor to much at least. This week has started off well with a good effort spin session, another StairMaster morning and tomorrow morning I am taking the whole platoon in for Donna's spin class - sure to put even a strong rider to the test by the time she is finished, the guys will thank me for this NOT!
As for the weight, everyone says that last ten pounds is the hardest to loose which brings the question what do ya do when your at that last ten pounds when you start to diet? It is slow going I drop down to a 1/2lb below where I was previously only to bounce back up to where I originally started at the following day. It is difficult but I guess you just have to take the small steps as they come and stick with it hopefully by the time Ft Yargo rolls around I will be at my race weight which is 10lbs away right now. So I will keep working away at it and stick to the eating habits that seem to be helping and I should see the benefits. Well with the way the weather is acting this week I think any outdoor riding will be confined to the road and supplemented with some trainer time indoors as well. Hopefully the weather starts cooperating as I am looking forward to some trail time and working on the technical skills(which I need). So whether it is the road or the trail I Will See You on the Bike!
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