Not son, 11yrs old and really not to keen on the riding scene had me wondering who was this kid on the bike in front of me as he went charging up hills and rolling thru some of the sketchy stuff. It was definitely one of those moments when I was so proud I was just smiling all the way thru the ride. That was until I decided to do my second lap, now I haven't ridden since the 22nd of June at the GSC #6 Race due to my leg injury and having some travel requirements. So all told a little over 14 days since I last turned the cranks the leg seemed to be healing OK still having some weird muscle issues at the point of impact on my upper thigh but still not hurting when I ride. Anyway I get no more than 2min into my ride and one of those don't know what hit ya happens and I go down right on the same spot, OUCH!
Well not to be refused that easily I get up shake it off and ride on, I had several motivating factors driving me. 1) No training last two weeks 2) CGS #7 coming up in 10 days 3)GSC #8 at the Pig Trail in just under a month. While I am not sure how my performance will be at Ft Mountain I am determined to win at the Pig at the Season Finale. That gives me 24 training days to get back into the shape I was in for the first half of the season. Being that the Pig Trail is more about speed than technical I figure some solid spin classes and maybe a couple of road/trainer rides and a weekly trip out to the Pig to memorize the trail and I should be ready to race.
So while it has been a nice break the past two weeks I had wished it wouldn't have been injury driven. From what I can tell I did damage to a muscle that is apparently not a primary cycling muscle but can cause some issues with the leg itself as my wife can attest to. Apparently a deep tissue bruise can lead to calcium deposits being left behind in the muscle after the blood clears if it has been pooled there for a length of time. Hopefully I did enough over the past two weeks to keep that from happening and am not causing more damage by riding(as long as I don't keep falling on it). If the calcium deposit is big enough it basically acts like a bone spur floating in the muscle and causes a cutting effect when it gets stuck in the muscle just right and can be fairly painful and requires surgery to remove it on occasion.
Well that has been alot of rambling about not much of interest to others but I figure it keeps my avid readers current on the excitement that is my life. So if you have plans to ride the Pig Trail this weekend or any weekend before the 3rd of August or our racing at either Ft Mountain or the Pig I Will See You on the Trail!
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