Well been a eventful week off here at the Houghtling House last weekend we had two parties scheduled for the Saturday. My son's B-Day party at DJ Galaxy Qwest and my promotion party at the house with Keg. Now my son had a limit of 10 people he could invite and had ten kids there 4hrs of fun! wasn't too bad actually and the boys had a good time. Now with the limit my son had on his kids he could have and he still had more people show up for his party than I had for mine! The weather kept alot of people home but those who did show up had a good time and some good food as well. I did my best to put a dent in the keg of beer with assistance from those who came over and paid for my efforts on Sunday! Anyway I got back up on the trainer Tuesday evening and then out to Thomson Trails on Wendseday. Once again I was painfully reminded I need to work on my strength training and climbing so I will do my best while I am out on my Desert training camp so I can come back ready to race in April. The new helmet showed up today and it is SEXY I will leave you with the bike porn and if you are out there on Sunday I Will See You on the Trail!
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