It was a B E A Utiful day for a ride after the rain cleared out the Morning was nice and cool and there was hardly any traffic at 8am when we started riding. Charles took us out on a 35 mile loop the Perry-Robidouex(sp) loop down some dirt,(MUD) road and down some other roads that were lightly traveled I think for most of the ride we saw less than 10 vehicles it was great.
I am planning on doing the Off Road Assualt on Mount Mitchell (ORAMM) in July I heard about it from Monte anyone else planning on riding it from the area? I think me and Charles are going to make the Sunday MTB Bike road ride a regular event for a while at least it felt good to stretch out the legs on a long steady pace with some good climb efforts thrown in. The longer I ride the more I realize that the trails provide the good technical training and sprint efforts for the races but the road riding is definitely a necessary part of a overall training aspect if your going to race competitively(hopefully someday I will be competative!).
Anyway The wife is now riding with some Candy Bros pedals on her new hardtail and wearing the Specialized Body Geometry shoes I had that seem to fit her better than the Pearl Izumis she has so we will have to see what we can do to get her into a pair of her own shoes that fit.
I am planning on doing some trail riding this week once the brake line is fixed on the ETSX Bonfire not sure where but if your out there when I am I Will See You on the Trail!
well, its about time! Are you for riding this Sunday?
For riding I am this Sunday!
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