Well I am officially part of the Ergon grip crowd. Picked up a set today at TBS from Charles and already can tell I am going to like them on the 12hrs of Tsali. Also did the Bike Fitting on the ETSX by Jesse which was pretty informative and hopefully will help with the lower back pain I have been experiencing lately. Took the wife out to the Pig Trail Monday to allow her to get out on the trail again she hasn't been riding since the horrific wreck she had at Thompson last fall so this was a pretty big step for her it went well she managed to keep the rubber side down for the entire ride. I also had a chance to check out the new Maxxis Ignitors that I got from TBS. These tires have some of the lowest rolling resistance I have ever ridden on they are fast and reliable handling I would definitely recommend them. Tommorrow I will be heading out to Dauset for a birthday ride so will be seeing if I am still able to hang with Charles out there. So if your out there I Will See You on the Trail!
Jake just got a pair of those grip too. He loves them. Says they've eliminated a lot of numbness in his hands when he rides.
Tried them out at Arrowhead they are great eliminate alot of the pressure on the wrist as well
Glad to see you back home. I tried the ergon's about a year ago (moved them to the GF Paragon) but I put some ESI Chunky Grips on the Hag. They work better for me on the rigid SS.
Good to be home as well the grips seem to be working well for me will let you know more after I run the 12hr of Tsali.
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