Well it was a little warmer this morning at the Pig Trail than it was last week at Dauset but it was still a little chilly. I started off on a bad note forgot my jersey but remembered a base layer so I ended up throwing a T-shirt over that for riding. Took both the Vertex and the ETSX out with me today the plan was to do a lap with each figured I would start with the Vertex check out how a hardtail felt on the trail and then compare on how I rode with the ETSX. The first thing I noticed at first was all the bumps on the trail, wow hadn't felt those before! Some of the noticeable differences of course as everyone knows it climbed somewhat better, standing going up Chandlers Challenge, was able to get going pretty quick through some of the flat trail as well. The trail was a little wet and I did notice that through the turns it seemed like I was on a gyro as I peddled the bike through the turn it would rotate-slide the rear tire from the torque I guess pretty cool actually. All in all it was a good lap and I felt pretty good at the finish I had taken it easy picking out the lines in the technical sections so I didn't get myself in trouble first time on the Vertex.
Hopped on the ETSX -70(TrailBlazer) for the second lap and enjoyed that good old fashion full suspension romp through the woods didn't push it all that hard still just enjoying the ride and working the technical skills a little bit hitting a couple of the hills doing repeats. Finished up around 10am and called it good - bikes still need to be cleaned up and are still on the back of the car but I will get to them soon enough. Would have liked to have rode out at Arrowhead with the group from IMBA and OMBA but had other plans with the family so missed out on that but I am going to try and make the December Meeting, we will see so far I have a pretty bad track record as far as supporting the group events and meetings but hopefully I can change that this year. Anyway I will probably make it out to the trail again next weekend I am thinking I will try Arrowhead and see how the hardtail feels there so if you happen to be up early and out riding - I will See You on the Trail!
Todays 2nd lap 8.5miles, Time 50:17, Avg Speed 10.1
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