Facebook has been winning obviously! However the race season is here as is NASCAR so I think I will have a few more things to post here. Starting with life is going well I have a new bike waiting in the LBS, a specialized Tarmac Expert that I got fitted on today, was hard leaving at the shop since I have to wait on the tax return (which I finally recieved notification it was accepted by IRS)to pay for it. Also I have PRK surgery this Thursday so hopefully I will be able to ride without prescription glasses for a while! Hawaii is quite the place, enjoying the scenery and the people, with the exception of thier driving style, extremely passive-aggressive! Enjoying it so much I am considering staying here after I retire from the military which by the way will be about two years I have figured out my time frame and am looking forward to it! Ready to be a civilian again. Anyway I have some pics from my trip to Japan and some views and cycling pics from Hawaii. Enjoy the reading and keep the rubber side down!