Well maybe not literally as it would apply to speed but definitely as it applies to training. Hit the road early today for some intervals around the installation only got a couple of laps in before it started getting dark but was able to work some intervals in for 15 miles. Hopefully will be able to keep up a solid training routine for the next week and half before my schedule gets overtaken for a couple of weeks during which time I won't be able to do any riding. That sucks seeing as the first race of the season is right in the middle of that time frame as well. Anyway had my first mishap on the road here in Korea this Sunday, couldn't get anyone to go with me so headed out on our standard road ride route looking forward to a nice 45mile ride in some decent temps around 40 degrees. Was doing good up until the 34 mile mark where I ran over something that flattened my rear tire, np got a spare in the seatbag with some CO2 to fix it up. Well I did have some CO2...cartridges, no shooter to use them with and low and behold no tube! Apparently I had grabbed the wrong seat kit so 13 miles from Camp Humphreys out on a Korean road stuck with no spare! Luckily I had my cell phone called a buddy and since I was on our standard route he was able to come save my ass! Lesson learned there always check the seatbag! Anyway hope everyone is doing well it is getting late here so I am going to wrap it up have a good day and Keep the Rubber Side Down!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Picking up the Pace
Well maybe not literally as it would apply to speed but definitely as it applies to training. Hit the road early today for some intervals around the installation only got a couple of laps in before it started getting dark but was able to work some intervals in for 15 miles. Hopefully will be able to keep up a solid training routine for the next week and half before my schedule gets overtaken for a couple of weeks during which time I won't be able to do any riding. That sucks seeing as the first race of the season is right in the middle of that time frame as well. Anyway had my first mishap on the road here in Korea this Sunday, couldn't get anyone to go with me so headed out on our standard road ride route looking forward to a nice 45mile ride in some decent temps around 40 degrees. Was doing good up until the 34 mile mark where I ran over something that flattened my rear tire, np got a spare in the seatbag with some CO2 to fix it up. Well I did have some CO2...cartridges, no shooter to use them with and low and behold no tube! Apparently I had grabbed the wrong seat kit so 13 miles from Camp Humphreys out on a Korean road stuck with no spare! Luckily I had my cell phone called a buddy and since I was on our standard route he was able to come save my ass! Lesson learned there always check the seatbag! Anyway hope everyone is doing well it is getting late here so I am going to wrap it up have a good day and Keep the Rubber Side Down!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Another day at work
Well it wouldn't have been such a big deal but we were suppose to be off today but due to Poor planning on someone Else's part we had a emergency for our part! Anyway not much to write about today hit the gym this evening kept it light did 30min on the stair master for a speed workout and some abs after that. Heard from a buddy of mine today that the season out here in Korea starts about the middle of March. I will have to miss the first race of the season but hopefully I should be in race shape by the time I can hit the trails after that we will see. Almost at race weight another 6lbs to go and I will be there, hopefully that was just a bad ride yesterday cause I am under the weather otherwise my climbing abilities haven't improved to the point I had hoped they would we will see soon enough. Other than that just life as usual here so until I see you on the trail, Keep the Rubber Side down!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Cold and Slow

That would describe todays ride, it ranged from 32-36 degrees for the entire 62miles with a average of less than 16 mph as well. These hills out here can really kick your ass if your not up to par. Anyway got in some good distance and enjoyed the time out of the room so it was a good day overall. I was a slacker most of the ride I pretty sure the number of miles I did any pulling numbered in the single digits out of the entire ride. Hopefully I will get over whatever bug it is I have here that has been kicking my butt for the last week. Reading Chris Carmichaels Time Crunched Cyclist to see how I can more effectively make use of the time I have to improve my riding. Hopefully it will have some good pointers that will help me be more competative at the Sport Class level when I get back and get some racing in. Other than that not too much new here just working riding and counting the days.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Try this again

Well it was a late night last night with a pretty sore throat and cough this morning so the ride that was suppose to happen today I didn't show but was able to call and give a heads up that I wasn't making it. So tomorrow morning going to try it again. Will hit the road with the group hopefully around 10am and get 70miles in. Lazy day today and planning on being up in 4hrs for the Daytona 500 so I am going to hit the hay and get up in a little bit. Thanks for reading!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Train Rides and workouts
Well there seems to be a reoccurring theme here, hope I can keep it going. Arose this morning and went on a little site seeing trip even though I had already ridden the bus and train and knew how to get around pretty well I went as a refresher course. I did learn that if you got on a particular bus in Pyongtek and took it the wrong way they ended up kicking you off at a point! Anyway made it back to Humphreys in time to go up to Osan, get a haircut and then head back to Humphreys and go to the gym for a workout. Was pretty empty again today so once again could do my workout without having to work around anyone. Have a three day weekend this weekend was suppose to be four but certain failures to plan have taken one day away from us. Hitting the road tomorrow for a 70mile ride with the BeerBellyBicycle Group so that will be a good time will be a crisp 38 degrees when we start hopefully will get some good picks. That's about it for today here been kinda quite so I will leave it with that. Keep the Rubber Side Down!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Friday Night workouts
One of the great things about a Friday night workout is that most people just don't seem to want to workout on Friday evening so the gym is usually fairly empty and you don't have to wait for the weights or machine your planning on using. Did a pretty good workout tonight inspite of still feeling under the weather. This sore throat is a kicker. It is still continued crappy weather and found out this morning I had to replace a compressor at the property in GA due to a mouse getting up in the fuse box and shorting out a wire that locked up the compressor. Fortunately that was still under warranty so that didn't cost anything however, the repair work cost me almost $600 so there goes any profit from next months rent. Hopefully this weather will clear up tomorrow so I can get a road ride in on Sunday at least the group is planning to do 60-80miles if the weather works out. Anyway think I will do a how to travel around Korea trip tomorrow and see what I can learn and burn a few hours out of the day. Well thats about it anyone heading up to Santos and hitting the 12hr event hope the weather holds out for you and hope you have a good race!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Weather and being under it
Well the weather took a turn for the worse this morning and did so while I happen to be traveling north to conduct some training(of the Army kind). Anyway if you ever driven in a area where it snows but they haven't invented snow plows or salt yet then you know what it is like to drive in Korea under winter conditions. At the end of the day we had slid the NTV I was riding in into a wall on the side of the road, cracked up the back of it pretty good and wrecked a Korean civilian car with a LMTV(really big 5ton vehicle) and didn't even get to conduct the training. We also took some scenic routes on the return trip which involved a U turn or two in the process. All this while going on 2hrs of sleep and having a developing sore throat what a great day. So I am skipping the workout and hitting the hay to get some rest and maybe hitting the spin class in the morning if I feel up to it. Have a good day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Well in a attempt to keep myself busy and get myself in shape prior to having to take two weeks off from the gym due to work I am going to take the next three weeks and engage myself in some serious training time. Also I will try to upkeep the blog a little better as I try to get in to some quality of competitive shape. This will also be a blatant attempt to just keep myself busy and preoccupied for the next three weeks. I hit the 150 day mark today so that means I am less than 5 months from being home for a couple of weeks before I head to HAWAII!! Yes it is on assignment but I am not going to complain about the Army wanting me to spend the next three years there. Who knows maybe before I leave I might even try to compete in the Iron Man Triathlon out there. Anyway I am recommitted to keeping up the blog and will try to add some photos every now and then so Hope all my avid readers are getting in some good riding back home, I know the season is getting ready to kick off in a couple of states with some good 24hr races, ie 24hrs In The Old Pueblo in Tucson....that is a great trail and good event. Until I can See You on the Trail, Keep the rubber side down!
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